Ground Rules.

Refund, Conduct and Other 

Admittance to conference

These terms govern your admittance, code of conduct, and refund policy of this website (the “Site”). You agree to comply with all applicable laws in connection with your attendance or participation at a Conference and related events.


Attendees over the age of 18 years are generally allowed to attend a Conference and related events. We, in our sole discretion, and without any liability or obligation to refund, reserve the right to refuse admittance to or to eject from the Conference and/or related events anyone that we determine:


  • is behaving in a manner that could disrupt, hinder or cause a nuisance to the Conference and/or related events, or the enjoyment of any other person or partner at the Conference;
  • represents a security or health & safety risk to the Conference or to any person or partner; and/or
  • fails to comply with, or is likely to fail to comply with, these Terms.

Conference and related initiatives

When you purchase a ticket, you are entitled to attend the specific Conference your ticket relates to, during the days and year marked on your ticket. We, in our sole discretion, and without any liability, reserve the right to reschedule, postpone or cancel the Conference, as per rules outlined in the section below.


Our Conferences aim at bringing together a diverse and global audience of technology entrepreneurs, investors, startups, established companies, media organisations and thought leaders through a number of initiatives and events.


During the Conference, apart from the talks, presentations, discussions, and round tables lead by our carefully selected speakers, high-level attendees and partners, you may get access to related events and initiatives such as, but not limited to Partner’s offers, attendee perks, incentives from various sponsors.


We, in our sole discretion, and without any liability, reserve the right to suppress any of the above-mentioned related events and/or initiatives, or create new related events and/or initiatives from one year and/or Conference to the other.


The possibility to subscribe for the above-mentioned related events and initiatives will vary depending on the (a) type of ticket you hold (i.e., general attendee; partners; educational, expo etc.); and (b) event or initiative capacity and/or availability. We do not guarantee that all of our attendees will be able to subscribe and/or will be invited to the referred related events and initiatives.


If you subscribe or accept the invitation to attend a related event and/or benefit from an initiative, your personal information will be processed and shared with the relevant stakeholder(s) (i.e., partner(s), etc.) for the purposes of enabling your attendance and/or providing you with the respective benefit. Your data may also be shared for purposes such as, but not limited to: capacity control and security; sharing of related presentations and materials; tailoring of content; catering and health; development of perks and gifts; and target audience profile analysis.

Changes or cancellation of a conference

We try to make sure that the Conference programmes, speakers, topics, venues and dates are correct at the time of publishing. We reserve the right to make substitutions, alterations, postponements, or cancellations to the content, format, themes, name, performers, hosts, moderators, venue, timing or dates of a Conference. We reserve the right to do so at any time and will not be liable to you for any cost incurred by you as a result (including, without limitation, travel, accommodation and other expenses).


We will endeavour to notify you as soon as reasonably practicable of any substitutions, postponements, or changes by posting the updated information on the Conference website homepage. Significant changes will be notified by email.




In the unlikely event of cancellation of a Conference, our total aggregate liability to you is limited to the refund of paid fees that remain after credit card and payment processing fees have been incurred and deducted, and we will not be liable to you for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by you as a result of the cancellation.

Code of Conduct

You are responsible for advising us at the time of making your booking regarding any special access requirements you require at the Conference.


You are responsible for arranging your own appropriate insurance cover in connection with your attendance or exhibition at a Conference. We and our related companies will not be liable for any injury or damage to any person or to any real or personal property however caused (except for death or personal injury as a result of our negligence or for any other type of liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law).


During the Conference, you shall conduct yourself in an orderly manner and shall not act in any manner which causes offence, annoyance or inconvenience to other Attendees. Attendees shall not canvass, promote, advertise or solicit for business in a manner which, in our sole discretion, is deemed unacceptable. We reserve the right to remove from the Venue any attendee who we consider in our reasonable opinion contravenes applicable laws or regulations or our policies and procedures or those of the Venue, is likely to cause offence or annoyance or is otherwise inappropriate or does not comply with these terms.

Refund and cancellation

Your ticket remains our property and is a personal revocable licence, which may be withdrawn, and admission to a Conference may be refused at any time upon a refund of the printed registration price.


You will find details of attendee ticket pricing and fees for a Conference here. Ticket prices for a Conference are correct at the time of publication. You agree that the Organiser will receive the fees net of all applicable taxes, including sales, VAT, service or withholding taxes.


We reserve the right to change the ticket prices at any time but any changes will not affect tickets that have already been purchased.


Once a successful ticket transaction has been completed, tickets are delivered in electronic soft-copy via email to the email address nominated by the Attendee. For some ticket types, it may be necessary to complete required information such as the Attendee’s name or tax identification number before the tickets can be issued.


The ticket acts as a receipt for the transaction and can be used to gain entry to the Conference listed on the ticket. The ticket reference number can be used to access the mobile app, to register at the Conference.


All tickets must be assigned and Conference Profile completed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the ticket or if you have received your ticket less than thirty (30) days before the first day of the Conference, within 1 day of receipt of the ticket, 


A valid ticket entitles you to entry to the relevant Conference as an Attendee but does not include any requirements or costs associated with travel to or from the Conference or any accommodation costs incurred and we shall have no liability for such costs or expenses.


All purchases of Conference tickets are non-refundable in their entirety. Even in special circumstances, if a refund needs to be issued, you acknowledge that all refunds are subject to a deduction of a $250 transaction fee or as otherwise advised (depending on the currency of your original transaction). Our free and subsidized ticket promotions sometimes include a processing fee. This processing fee is non-refundable in its entirety.


If you have been selected to be a Volunteer at a Conference but have already bought a ticket, you are not eligible for a refund or reimbursement under any circumstances.

No reselling

he tickets you purchase are for your personal use or that of your business only and may not be resold under any circumstances, including but not limited to use as part of any promotion or competition. This includes subsidised tickets such as one-day tickets, Women in Tech Tickets, Loyalty, Open Source, Partner, and/or Youth Ticket.


Reselling or otherwise transferring your ticket, not in accordance with the Terms, will void the ticket and the ticket holder will not gain entry into the Conference. Where there has been any resale or attempted resale of any tickets (or any other breach of this term), we reserve the right to cancel the relevant tickets with immediate effect.


We reserve the right to cancel any ticket purchase made by any person or body whom we reasonably believe to be associated with any ticket reselling or ticket broker.

Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that views expressed by speakers at or in connection with the Conference are their own and the Zero Trust Meet Team (including the Organiser) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice given or views expressed during or in connection with the Conference.


Materials shared or distributed at or in connection with the Conference are intended for information purposes only and should not be relied upon by you or others. We and our related companies do not provide any guarantees, conditions or warranties that the materials are complete or accurate and do not accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by you or any person on any aspect of the Conference and/or any information provided at the Conference.


Our total aggregate liability in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Terms is limited to the total amount paid by you to us for your ticket to participate and access the Conference, after the payment of any processing fees or bank charges applicable.


Personal arrangements and expenditures, including travel, accommodation, hospitality and other costs and expenses incurred by you relating to the Conference which have been arranged by you are at your own risk, and we shall not be responsible or liable to you for any wasted or unrecoverable costs or expenditure in relation to such personal arrangements, even if caused as a result of the cancellation, rescheduling or alteration of a Conference.


We shall not be responsible or liable to you (and you will not be entitled to any refund) if admission to a venue or event is refused or revoked at any time as a result of your breach of these terms and conditions or the Venue’s rules and regulations.


We are not responsible for the actions or failures of any venue, performer or other Conference sponsors. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for death or personal injury suffered by you or your guests arising out of attendance at a Conference, unless caused by our negligence. Neither shall we be liable for any loss or damage sustained to your property or belongings, or those of any member of your party, attending a Conference.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Zero Trust Meet our related companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, joint ventures, third-party service providers, and our respective employees, contractors, agents, officers, and directors harmless from all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees, that arise out of or are related to any breach of the Terms by you or any other liabilities incurred by the Zero Trust Meet arising out of your attendance or participation or access to the Conference.

Other Terms

These Terms (including our privacy policy) contain the entire agreement and understanding between us in respect of all matters which are referred to herein and supersede any prior, written or oral agreement between us relating to such matters. You confirm that in agreeing to accept these Terms you have not relied on any representation that is not expressly included herein and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not become a part of these Terms. However, nothing in these Terms purports to exclude liability for any fraudulent statement or act.